losing faith

after 7.5 years of infertility, my faith is almost completely gone. I go thru a roller coaster of emotions every month and it seems as if when I truly have faith and leave it in God's hands, (idk if Gods testing me or the enemy is attacking me) but every single time I surrender, someone I know announces their unplanned pregnancy. its heart breaking and crushes my heart. am I not worthy? does God hate me? do I not deserve to be a mother? how can I keep my faith? everyone I know has multiple children. I honestly do not know anyone who has not had a child or who aren't currently pregnant. it seems like everyone is pregnant at the moment, and all unexpected and unplanned. while I'm here drinking every vitamin, doing every fertility massage, drinking medications, tracking, fertility specialists, treatments. what for? Gods in control and obviously hates me. he doesn't think I'm worthy.