Mini-Stim IVF- Help!


Hey ladies. I went to my RE yesterday. We found out the minimal stimulation <a href="">IVF</a> will most likely be our best option. I have a low egg reserve and high FSH. We can do letrozole, but that’s already going to be almost 1,000 a month. So I feel like the minimal stimulation <a href="">IVF</a> would be better if we just save money.

So my questions are-

Can anyone explain or help me understand minimal stimulation <a href="">IVF</a>? It is OUTRAGEOUSLY expensive for us - 33,000 in Texas.

Should we get a second opinion?

And what are good companies to finance through in Texas? We have looked at a few but they have outrageous interests rates.

I am trying so hard not to give up on our dreams of having a baby, but this definitely makes it difficult. ☹️