Crazy story.... What would you do?

Short back story my husband and I have been together 8 years. Married for 5. He has an 18 year old and I have a 13 year old from previous relationships (his ex wife cheated and they divorced). About a year into the marriage we FINALLY started trying as I really wanted a baby and he wasn’t too sure because of the age of our kids now. He’s 39 and I just turned 33. We both had our kids pretty young. He got on board and we ended up having two miscarriages and struggled for some years but finally have a beautiful and healthy 15 month old.

We both adore this baby as we know how special she is. I feel I should add that I’ve been the one to take care of her from day one. Up EVERY single night since she’s been born and tend to her about 95% of the time. We both decided that I quit my job and him solely provide.

Don’t get me wrong, I love it and am so glad I’m the one who does all this for my baby. Just trying to give you all some in-site of how my time is spent. I basically have none. No sitter, no grand mother to help. No one has watched her since she’s been born. Except my husband a few times so my oldest daughter and I could watch a movie.

So, there has always been some insecurity on his part. Like him texting me throughout the day.... oh you must be talking to or with your boyfriend. Stupid stuff like that. I guess I take it jokingly and say the same stuff to him when he’s not answering my text or call. Just always brushed that stuff off. Fast forward to after our baby was born I remember him coming home and “smelling” a different type of smell which was my lotion. I caught him looking in the freaking closets thinking someone was hiding?! Mind you this was the days I’m lucky to take a shower because I’m taking care of an infant, a house, him and my older daughter. I was furious and we got in a huge fight. I thought he had some nerve to do this when I’m taking care of our baby every minuet of every single day and it’s a struggle to grab a shower most days.

So to the crazy story. He and his son went on a graduation trip we were not invited to come on. Understanding, I didn’t care. Before he left he installed security cameras that he’d been wanting to install for awhile. Where we live and the type of money it would cost I didn’t think it was necessary. We have 4 dogs and if anyone comes around they are pretty much our warning signal. Anyway, him leaving I pushed for him to get them for the extra safety I’d feel since he would be gone for a week. Well, evidently he watched the cameras several times a day with the live view and heard what sounds like a conversation between a man and a woman. This was at 1:00 at night. He claims there were more live videos he listened to that he heard sex noises. He only sent me the one with the conversation. I’ve listened to this video 100 times. It does sound like some muffled speaking between a woman and man but it’s more like interference. You can’t hear words or anything.

From this video he BLOWS UP on me before he gets home saying I’ve cheated and it was me. I know that was not me. 100% I was in the bed with my baby next to me( as she sleeps with me) I know this for an absolute fact and I swore on everything to him. He literally was all over the house looking for clues..... how this person got in.... how he got past the cameras.... making accusations that it sounded like 2 men! This went on for days. Finally I was fed up and disgusted by the entire thing. I called the camera company and asked if they could tell if someone had unplugged the WiFi that he claimed I did. They told me they could not tell me that but it just so happen the Internet was out at 8:30 and 2 that night! Wtf! So he of course says this just validates his story. Obviously I wouldn’t have called in-front of him if I really did it though. So I call our internet company and ask if they can tell if it was unplugged or if the WiFi just went out. They can not tell but say our internet has not been down there in a while! So here we’re are. He 100% thinks I had a man over into our home with freaking cameras everywhere and had sex with him while I was actually in the bed with our baby asleep. He wants me to just come forward with all the details and we’ll work through it and stay together for our family. There’s nothing to come forward about because I DID NOTHING! He says stuff daily like I don’t know why you’d do this to our family, to our baby. Just sent me a text yesterday saying he just starts to hate me out of nowhere throughout the day for it. Thing is I feel the same way when I look at him now. I hate this man for treating me like I’m somebody I’m not. Like I’ve did something I did not. I’d be gone if it wasn’t for our baby. Sharing every other weekend with my other daughters dad has been hard. I hate that I haven’t been there for her every single time she’s needed something and I can’t imagine a night without my baby girl now. Even if it’s just 4 days a month. Help! Thoughts? Advice!

Oh and I called the camera company asking if something like this has ever happened. The one guy said he’s never heard of it. I’ve came across articles while googling that it has happened. One man would always hear another families house.

I feel like the only option he’s giving me is divorce. I can’t live with someone treating me this way when I actually have been 100% faithful and honest to this man. I can’t imagine getting a divorce over him believing I did something that did not happen?