Switching to formula!


Hey guys!

So my little lady has been EBF since birth. The past few weeks I have introduced formula giving her a bottle on occasion. Tomorrow she’s 8 months old and my plan was to start the weaning process tomorrow. Starting with one bottle a day then adding another and so on. I want her to be on formula fully by 9 -9.5 months old because I’ll be going away for 6 days when she’s 10 months old. So she doesn’t mind the formula but I’ve noticed she only takes 2-5 ounces at a time which doesn’t seem like much. And my girl still nurses at nightat about 10 30 and then again around 4. So I’m worried if I’m not nursing at those times she’ll be a nightmare do any moms have experience? I really want to night wean but It’s so hard I’m so lazy in the middle of the night and I have a hard time letting her fuss and cry because it keeps me up. And of course this girl won’t take a pacifier. I don’t think she needs the 4 am feed. She smiles and giggles when she sees me but she can’t seem to settle if I don’t feed her. Anyways I’m at a loss so any moms with experience!