When did you feel normal in your relationship after having a baby?

Brought my little one into the world 5 months ago. My husband has been amazing this whole time, especially during those 6 weeks. He helps out around the house, works, and is very loving to our boy and me.

Our only issue seems to be sex.... He wants me to initiate it more, but honestly it's a struggle to even want to have sex sometimes... I like it, but I don't feel like myself anymore. I don't look the same obviously. Lost the weight, but still have a pooch. I feel like my body has done nothing, but give these last 14 months and I just want to relax and be a little selfish...

I don't want him to feel left out though. I love him to bits... But, I find it hard to want to be intimate at all... Let alone have it be me to start us off...

Is this a phase? When will this stop? We've always had such a healthy, sex life..I don't want either of us to be upset about this. (I already am talking to him about this. I just really want other perspectives.)

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