Y'all, the HORMONES are real and they are raging!!


So I haven't been feeling well today. Decided to come home from work early. I get home ready to pop on my Netflix and chill with my sticky bean!

Me:. Turns on Netflix

Netflix:. Erroor loading Netflix will retry on 59 seconds

Me: (Repeats step 1)

Netflix: Netflix will retry on 59 seconds

I check my internet connection. No internet. I decide to call my ibternet provider (which is Spectrum for those wondering).

Fast forward to 20 minutes being transferred and on hold. The representative tells me I cancelled my service today. I'm thinking "NO MA'AM I DID NOT". Then I remember this a.m. someone knocks at my door...it's the cable guy. He's looking for my address but someone by a different name. I tell him wasn't us and that he's got the wrong address, try next door. Low and behold he says 'we do in fact have the wrong address'.

I go about my day. Now back to this afternoon. I tell the representative this info and inform her that maybe he turned off the wrong service, she agrees. I have been calm and patient even laying down peacefully whilst speaking with the lady. I Stayed on hold for an additional 20 minutes for the lady to get back on the line to tell me there's nothing they can do. I have to go into the nearest store and have them do it.

Y'alli LOST my mind on that woman!!! I have been throwing up all bleeping day, finally home and resting and this woman wants me to get up IN TRAFFIC and go somewhere to fix what they messed up. Y'all she had the wrong one today!!!! I wasn't playing. I laid I her (all the while knowing it isn't her fault). Long story short, she out me on another hold and Bam, 🧚🧚🧚it was like magic. She was able to restore it!!!

I apologized to her but explained you all can't mess something up and expect the consumer to have to fix the issue.

Moral of the story: The hormones are real!