Boyfriend makes me unwell

I got back together with my partner of 2 years at the weekend there after a few months apart. I thought everything was going to be so much better because when we had been hanging out recently it was great. He was so much more attentive and caring, all he wanted to do was spend time with me and he made me feel amazing.

But no.

Today I had to go back on my anxiety medication because I’ve really been struggling over this all, and last night and all of today I have spent crying.

He doesn’t respect my time and is making no attempt to see me before he leaves on Monday for 10 weeks (training for a new job). He’s already told me he’s busy all weekend and I’m working late Thursday and Friday.

I took Monday-Wednesday this week off work to spend with him because he asked me to spend the time with him, and he utterly blew me off on Monday, spent part of yesterday with me before blowing me off last night and again blew me off today. And he done this to hang out with the people he’s spending Friday-Sunday with!!!

No compromising, no effort, nothing on his part to make time to see me. I even asked if he could see me after the plans he replaced me with today so we could hang and he said no.

After ignoring my messages all of today he eventually said “fuck sake, I’ll see you tomorrow” LIKE SERIOUSLY?! He knows I’m back to work tomorrow and have already wasted several days off for him to not bother sticking to plans. This was our problem before. It was his way or the highway, my time and schedule and efforts were never considered or appreciated.

I keep trying to speak to him about it and he makes out like I’m being crazy and ignores me for hours at a time, he’s so stubborn he refuses to see what I’m talking about.

I want things to work this time so much, I want him to be like how he was the last few months!!

What do I say to him to get him to realise?

What do I say in general?

I don’t know how to approach it without getting upset and sending angry texts at this point.

I’m in my late 20’s and he’s in his early 30’s - I thought childish shit like this would be long gone.