I need some friends

I’m currently Engaged , have a 5 year old , pregnant & emotionally being belittled and getting no help from him at all. I’m from Ohio, but live in Alabama with him. He belittles me whenever he wants to get his point across. If I cry , I’m a cry baby and I’m a child. Got told I don’t take care of my son, whom I do everything I possibly can for , get him up & ready for school , bring him to & pick him up from school, clean the whole house , feed and water our dogs , do and hang the laundry to dry, all while he lays on the bed playing Xbox or watching YouTube. I feel stuck , he can be such a good guy but he doesn’t show he cares about mine or my sons well being & all he does is threaten if I move back home to Ohio he’ll file for full custody and he’ll get it & I’ll never be with anyone else because he won’t allow someone else to be around his child once there born. I love this man , We’ve been together 2 years , engaged 1 year, how do you speak to someone who claims they listen but just them shut you out after you talk. I have no friends , so I need some advice 😔