lmao 🥺 i feel bad for her

My boyfriend and I have been together for the last 4 months now, and our relationship is perfect in my eyes! My bf has kids with another woman from a previous relationship, I’m already knowing there’s going to be some drama. My bf tells me the drama they have between em and she’s not my biggest fan. Every time they talk, she constantly brings up my name, which I assume it’s because she has some feelings for him still. So every time he mentions her talking shit about me, i don’t say anything, just laugh and keep going on with my day. I’ve been dealing with this since day. So tonight , she texts him and says “I’m miserable & sad , something something, while you’re laid up with that skank bitch , i hope her dirty ass gives you a std, blah blah blah.” I’ve been the bigger person but apparently that isn’t working. Should i say something ? I’m not a confrontational person so I’m not going to be immature about it but nice Isn’t the word either. Advice ?

Update: So let me mention that this lady is older than me by 10+years (there’s an age gap between my boyfriend and I). This is childish, the name calling, talking shit, all beneath me. Like I’ve mentioned, she been beating down on me since day one! I understand she’s probably sad, I get that but act your age! I’ve never said anything to this lady at until last night! I responded back to her saying “honestly i feel bad for you, because you do sound bitter! I’m sorry for whatever he put you thru, but you’re gonna have to take this bs somewhere else sis. Please stay off my mans line. Goodnight from this skank ass bitch”. I don’t feel like that was rude or nice. So let me know your opinion on it! My boyfriend definitely didn’t want me to respond to her and I’m not sure why?? I know it may seemed immature for me to respond but I’m so tired of females! Dealt with this issue in my last relationships and i know for sure being nice doesn’t get you anywhere! My bf says he sticks up for me every time she talks shit, so i appreciate that but she needed to hear it from my mouth that i don’t appreciate her talking shit.

Update 2: may i also say that she’s the one who cheated on him & left him. Her relationship went south and now she’s miserable! Honestly that’s HER problem. She’s an asshole and thinks she can treat him and his family any kind of way. She was always rude & abusive to him, so no i don’t feel bad for finally speaking up to her!

Update 3: So yes I felt kinda bad that I responded like that, but I wanted to prove a point, I don’t like her disrespect. Especially because I’ve never said anything about her and as a woman I know she’s in a tough spot, why I was hesitant to respond. At the same time, PUT SOME RESPECT ON MY NAME, haha. She did respond and her response shocked us both. She apologized to me and said it was nothing personal, she shouldn’t have been disrespectful. Said she was using my name in frustration, which I knew that’s that she was doing. She was finding every reason to hurt him. I’ve been in complicated relationships and I’m not holding nothing against her, there’s just a way to grief. My bf said i shouldn’t felt bad, he said he tried for years to get back together, changing his way for the better and she didn’t want him. I told him my opinion on it and that was that. For everyone saying I shouldn’t have responded, I don’t care. Because my relationship is new, I shouldn’t be respected? Because my relationship is new, someone can walk all over me? Because she has his kids, she holds some kind of power over me? That’s not fair. She constantly calls all through out the night? Blows up his phone about shit that has nothing to do with the kids. He’s told her multiple times that he’s in a happy relationship and it’s time for her to move on. So how much more private can it get? He’s mention to her that she should only contact him when it’s about their kids, and she didn’t respect that. You can only be so nice to people, regardless if the relationship is one month or 5 years, everyone deserves to be respected.