All night pain 33w3d

So yesterday at work I started experiencing light back pain with also pelvic/menstrual like cramps. It shocked me because I hadn’t felt anything like this before but I didn’t think much of it. Once I got home, I went to the bathroom and noticed that my panties were still wet (I’ve been having watery like discharge) but this time there was some brown there as well. I instantly got a bit more worried but headed to bed anyways because I was just so exhausted from my 8 hour shift. Well, all throughout the night I kept twisting and turning because the back and abdominal/pelvic pain was really starting to bother me. Mind you, I’m a pretty heavy sleeper so it was clearly a bit painful but still also very bearable. Now, it’s morning, the pain is still there which is really bothering me and I have to work in a few hours. I’m not sure whether I should go to the ER or not. I really don’t want to be dramatic 🤦🏽‍♀️ Any recommendations??