Selfish or considerate?


I'm just curious. I'm struggling with having a positive attitude and not getting upset. My husband and his dad work together (they are a great team!). So, often, they go to lunch together. I live 10 minutes away from their workplace, and my husband's parents live 30ish minutes away from their workplace. Sometimes when my mother in law is in the area, all five of us (we have a 10 month old) will get lunch together. Other times, his mom will invite me out to lunch, "because the guys are having lunch together."

Here's my dilemma (if you can call it that). Unless my husband's mom can make it to lunch, then basically, I'm not invited to eat lunch with my husband and his dad because they don't want to make his mom feel left out. Even if she simply wouldn't be able to make it due to prior lunch plans or appointments.

My husband and I will meet up for lunch sometimes (and I love that), but I would really like to meet him and his dad, too, because I really like his dad. Like I said, though, it's an understood thing that if he and his dad are going to lunch (without his mom) I'm not invited or welcome (sounds harsh, but it feels harsh).

So, am I being petty? I don't want this to cause division between myself and them. My raw, unfiltered thoughts are, "so, because we are concerned that she's going to feel left out, you both (husband and his dad) are going to leave our kid and I out, too?"

It pleases me that they are being sensitive to his mom, but... Whaaaat about me? 🤔

So, like I asked... Am I being selfish? Should I be more considerate? Should they be more considerate towards me? Is his mom being selfish? Am I totally blowing this out of proportion? Basically, I'm hurt by it but don't know if that hurt is selfish or justifiable. 😅 I'd love to hear some feedback, advice and wisdom from you all .