Am I in the wrong?? Added to story.

My husband and I's anniversary is coming up next week, so our plan was to celebrate this weekend since my mom is taking our toddler. Well this morning he asked what were going to do and if we were still going to celebrate it. I told him I'm not in the mood to. 🤷‍♀️

A while back this random girl jumped into my suggested friends thing on facebook and it said my husband was a mutual friend. So I asked who she was. He told me it's some girl he works with. Which I found odd instantly because he talks about his work a lot and I've never once heard of this chick. So I kinda dropped it and just kept my eye on it. Well then he started liking her selfies, some that show a little too much even. So again i was just like hmm. So i asked him about it again. I asked what she does there, and he told me she does the purchasing of equipment they need. But yet before this he told me about the new GUY they had just hired for that position. So I told him how its strange he's never talked about her before but how they seem to be on a close relationship if you're liking her pictures all the time. Which he doesn't even do to the other (older) ladies he works with. Well come to find out he was lying to me and she actually works at the hotel he would stay at when he had to go out of town for work. He swears up and down nothing is going on between them. That they would just talk when he would pass through the lobby. This is the first time my husband has ever lied to me like this. Or so I know of. So yeah, I'm kind of torn as you can imagine and really dont feel like celebrating our anniversary with someone who has lied to me. Who I still feel unsure about now. And he's mad at me for it. He says I'm making this worse and shouldn't let it hurt our anniversary and our time we will get alone.

➡️ thanks ladies, I am already handling this situation and am well aware of everything lol. I was mainly just asking if I was in the wrong for not wanting to celebrate our anniversary during this time or if I should take the time and do something with him.

I'm beyond pissed he lied, I'm not sure why he felt the need to. When I asked him he says he didn't want me to assume anything by him adding the girl who works at the hotel. Yet now its causing me to assume even more lol. It's just a whole big mess right now. If they were talking he would have done it over Facebook not by phone number because our phone services are in my name. But his work also consists of lots people contacting him and I'm not about to go through all of them lol. I did go through his phone a couple weeks ago when this all started, and I totally forgot to check facebook.🤦‍♀️ But in his texts he didn't have anything unusual.