40+4 induction, want vaginal delivery - share your stories plz

Kathryn • Baby 2 on the way!

I’m 40+1 now and I have an induction scheduled for Sunday night. They’ll start me with Cervadil overnight and then add Pitocin Monday morning.

My docs want to induce before 41 weeks because I’ve been borderline hypertensive. I’m not consistently 140/90 but I have been a few times and they sent me to the hospital for an NST. I have no other signs of pre eclampsia.

I’m happy about the induction only because I can’t wait to meet my baby girl, and I’m incredibly impatient.

However, I want to go as natural as possible and had hoped to labor at home as long as I can. Laboring at home is out the window now. I haven’t dilated more than a fingertip thus far 😩

At the end of the day obviously I want baby girl to be as healthy as possible. Epidural or not, I’m really hoping for a vaginal delivery. She’s been head down since 34 weeks and I’m not a small person.

I guess I’m looking for positive full-term induction stories and advice if you’ve got it!!!

Thanks mamas!

39 weeks ☝🏻

Due date 9/4 ☝🏻

Funny ☝🏻