No judgement

I don’t need any judgement or criticism on my part. If I could get some advice or positive vibes I’d genuinely appreciate it.

So, my husband and I have been together for 7 years, have been married for 2. Today, I had an ugly feeling so I went through his Snapchat. Over the past week or so, after work his phone would be “dead” and he wouldn’t contact me until it “charged” and he’d get home late. His job required rigorous hours so I believed him partially. Back to Snapchat, so today I log into his snap and see a conversation between him and some girl. She sends him pictures of herself in bras and undies and then they have a flirtatious convo. There’s a convo including him saying “I’m here”, and her saying she was coming out. I checked his location around the time he snapped her that (I have his location just to not bug him about how much longer till he gets home or how long do I have to get ready if we are going anywhere) his location said he was at a shopping center which I now know is possibly a restaurant she works at. Typical unfaithful man, he said he HASNT slept with her and they only had flirtatious convos because he felt like we couldn’t talk and I was distant, I admit I had been, but I don’t justify his actions. Can we move on? Should we move on together? I’m hurt, I’m angry, im lost..... he said he met her at a shell gas station, which makes me think ok so you pick up girls just about anywhere? I really think I should leave, but my gut tells me to stay. Advice please, words of wisdom, y’all trash about him with me. Tell me I’m not stupid for wanting to stay 😭

Back story of why I was distant, my sister had her baby a few weeks ago and I was traveling back and forth from being there with her, but I tried my best to prioritize him and let him know I miss and loved him.