Single mommies, who do you live with? I live with my mother and finding it extremely HARD.

My daughter is now 12 months, and I cannot stand living with my mother any longer. Besides having completely different parenting styles, we constantly argue. I cannot stand her. She's always insulting me, controlling, telling me I'm a bad mother, telling me I'm a bad human being in general, telling me how to parent my daughter, everything has to be on her time name a few things 😕...

I constantly feel verbally attacked by her. I cannot stand it any more. It just got way, way worse since I got pregnant and had my daughter. I mean I know I can have a nasty attitude and be very angry too, but I have come to realize most of it is from trying to defend myself. I'm so tired of being the horrible person in the family and constantly being reminded of what a burden I am... I have been depressed since 2015, and I really feel like our relationship makes it worse. I have never felt true hate towards my mom, but this year I have started to feel hate towards her.

I've been seeing a new therapist, and one thing he has said is to try not to let her words affect me so much. It's true, I really shouldn't. I've been trying to let it in through one ear and out the other. But it's so hard. Aren't mothers supposed to be loving and supportive? Or what or how should I change my thinking to??

What are your relationships like with your moms? Do any single mommies live with their families too? I'm getting desperate...and thinking of going to a family shelter. I'm just scared bc I don't know if I'll be able to provide the financial means for my daughter and I. 😔

PS - my mom does help me out in that I can live with her, and I don't pay for food. I can tell she doesn't want me there, but I don't think she would kick me out because she loves my daughter (her grandchild) too much, now that my daughter is born. (She didn't want my baby when I was pregnant 🙄).

PS #2 - I've been thinking of placing my daughter for adoption. I feel like she deserves so much better than me and what I can provide for her. I thought I could do this, but I feel like I was utterly wrong.