Idk what to do

So about 2ish weeks ago my boyfriend and I broke up. We were dating for 9 months and it was honestly great. Yes we had a few issues but normal.

The week before we broke up I spent at his house and it was great! The week after that we didn’t talk much, I texted him to see what was wrong and he told me we needed to “talk”. I was freaking out which I told him and joking around I asked him if he was braking up with me and he said something along “we need to talk about us and our differences”. Again I was stressing and over thinking. Next thing you know he tells me we’re good and we’ll work thought it and figure shit out.

That week ends and he tells me we needed to talk and well... we break up.

We talked about the “reason” and I told him I understood and if he thought that was the best for us - that he really thought about it and was 100% sure that was what was best for US - than as much as it hurts the decision was made and if breaking up was our best choice than there was probably nothing I could say to fix us.

He told me we could try to be friends and maybe try dating in the future... I said okay. And that’s it.

Side note: Im somebody who believes your dreams are your subconscious telling you things that maybe you don’t want to accept or see, and I do think my dreams mean something.

That being said, the week before we broke up and for the past 2 weeks I’ve had dreams that we broke up because he was talking to someone else or was cheating.

I guess now, half of me wants to text him and see if he changed his mind? To see if maybe... he misses me or has thought about us and wants to try again?

And the other half wants to ask him if he was talking to someone else?

And also, I like to believe there was more behind his “reason”, and maybe at the moment he didn’t want to tell me because it is a touchy subject for me, but I do believe there was more to it. Which if there is I also want to know.

I don’t know what to do or what I’m thinking I just need more opinions...

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