Growth Ultrasound


So I'm due October 29th with my baby boy (second child) and I was measuring 5 weeks ahead for fundal height.

Well they did a growth scan to check out his size and it turns out I'm on track to have a 9-10 pound baby 😭💀 he's already 5 pounds and 3 oz (97th percentile) and only supposed to be around 3-3.5 lbs.

Oh my Lord is all I can say!! He's huge and his cheeks are so chubby!! They said I'll have to have another growth scan in 4 weeks to check on him again and if he's still above the 90th percentile we will have to check out my pelvis to see if it can handle birthing that big of a baby. It's my second baby so they're hopeful, but if my pelvis is too small, they'll schedule a c section 😭 I'm so scared and praying his growth either slows down or my pelvis is wide enough.

Anyone else have a similar story? Looking for some insight to how it turned out for you, good or bad. Comment below 💖

Here's a pic of my baby boy from his growth scan ... They're so detailed and realistic it's insane!