Could I be pregnant


I'm in the 37th day of my cycle, according to the <a href="">glow app</a> (which is always accurate on timing my periods) I am 10 days late. But I have had irregular periods in the past. Tons of unprotected sex no pullout. In the past week I have experienced headaches, cramping, occasional spotting and spotting after sex. Now the last few days my breast are feeling awkward and a clear sticky fluid has been coming from my left breast only. Took a test the other morning, the control panel had blue line and I thought i saw a faint line in the other panel but needless to say i considered it to be a negative. But still no period.

What are you ladies opinions?

Also my last full period was 7/31 -8/5

Then I had 2 days of light bleeding around the 8/15 and 16.