I need advice


I’m not happy. Something meeds to change. I love my daughter she is amazing and beautiful. I want to put her and myself in a bubble and not deal with any of this.

I’ve been with my boyfriend for a year as of last month. Our daughter is almost 3 months (yes do the math, we jumped the gun) he has an almost 2 year old.

I moved in with him early. I don’t like our house. The location, it’s dirty and outdated. He has a dog I don’t care for. (Plz don’t come at me I’m just not a dog person) and I truly don’t care to take care of his daughter that we have half the time.

I love him. We have great chemistry but when we fight it’s ugly. Yelling and cussing. Mean. Mostly him. Not something I want my daughter to see growing up.

I’ve asked for more help. With the girls and with cleaning and up keeping the house. He works full time and I work part time but both of our jobs are physically draining. He comes home and plays video games. I’m non stop being a mom and parent.

I have trust issues with him. Never cheated but crosses boundaries I have with social media and speaking to girls inappropriately.

Now this just isn’t how I thought my life would look and I’m angry. So I’m mean. And I don’t feel like I’m being the best mother I could be. And I’m for sure not giving his other kid or dog the love and attention they deserve. I’m not mean they just could have better then me.

I love him. He’s my best friend. He works hard and provides for this family. He’s so handsome and I know he truly loves me but I don’t love our life together.

I picture me and my baby living on our own and me being much happier.

I just need advice, stories, a sign. Anything because I don’t want to make a choice I’ll regret.