So thankful 🙏🏻! Any other momma’s on Lovenox?

I KNEW I saw a faint line. I was going crazy holding that test up to different lights. I waited 48 hours and got my BFP this morning. I am so so excited! This will be my 4th pregnancy. I’ve had two miscarriages and I have one son. All three of my other pregnancies I “felt pregnant” (sore breasts, tired, etc.) and I’ve gotten a positive at 10dpo. This one didn’t show up until 12 DPO and I feel really normal. I know it’s early, but it’s crazy how each one can be a totally different experience.

My doctor ran a ton of tests after my most recent miscarriage (we lost the baby at 10.5 weeks) and discovered that I have two types of blood clotting disorders. I did my first lovenox injection today. It really wasn’t as bad as I was thinking it would be. It’s just odd giving yourself a shot. I know I’ll get used to it. Any Lovenox mom’s have any advice or tips to make this process as easy as possible? Thank you!