Just need someone to talk to

Tw miscarriage, pregnancy














*editing the post a bit. Yes my spouse is okay with me being with other people, thats what being polyamorous means. And when i said my birth control got ruined i mean it fell out of my bad and got stepped on and they got crushed and poped out of the little foil packs.Im also not talking bad about my ex at all. I understand why he wouldnt want any updstes about anything during the pregnancy because it would be hellto get attached and it not be his. Im not mad about anything.

I just needed someone to kinda vent to and let it all out to. So im polyamorous. Im married and currently have 2 children as is and have had 9 miscarriages in the past 19 months. So when i started seeing a new guy i made 100% sure i took my birth control every single day at the same exact moment up until it got broken and then me and the guy i was seeing only had sex once. We were only together for maybe a month. Things just didnt work out and we broke up. No big deal life goes on. Well i was suppose to start my period yesterday and i didnt get it. So on a whim i decided to take a pregnancy test figuring it would be negative and that i would get my period soon but i also wanted the piece of mind. Well i didnt get the piece of mind i wanted, the test anded up being positive. Im pregnant with my rainbow baby yet again, i just had a miscarriage the end of july. I showed my spouse and they said they seen the line clear as day, i took some pictures and showed a couple friends and they agreed that they seen it too. So i went online to figure out a guess of how far along I'd be annd based on my last period im about 4 weeks 6 days. I sat down and worked out a text so send to my ex so i could tell him, i knew he wouldnt be willing to sit down and talk to me about it so i knew i had to do it over text. It took me a few to come up with a good mature message to send to him to tell him and i sent it. He read it and didnt message back for a while but finally did. I'll attach screenshots of the conversation at the end of this. Im going to take a other test on monday or Tuesday just to confirm that i am in fact pregnant, but i already know its going to be positive. Unfortunately due to some personal reason i won't be able to go to the dr for this for a few months. So i will probably be in the second trimester by the time im actially able to get to the dr for it. The ex said he doesnt want to know anything, see anything or hear anything about the baby until its born and we need him to do a dna test unless something happens. He didnt elaborate on what the "something" could be and I'm not sure what he meant by that and didnt want to further ask because he got drunk after i told him and there was no point in talking about something this serious with someone who is drunk. What do y'all ladies think he meant by "something happens"? Im really not sure what would clasify as something he would want to know. We are all fairly young, im 21, my spouse is 23 and my ex is also 21. Im blacked out names and my personal reason as to why i wont be able to go to the dr right away.