Fertilization rate and embryo quality

Catherine • TTC #1 @37 via IUI/IVF

I received the best news ever a couple days ago (best so far, anyway). Out of 7 eggs retrieved, all were mature and fertilized! Complete turnaround from last cycle where I had 1 of 3 mature/fertilized. I’m in the dreaded 5 day wait for the blastocyst report and wondering if my 100% fertilization rate is an indication that I will have a good number that make it to the freeze. Anyone experience a high fert rate end up with lots of blastocysts? Or the opposite? Share your numbers!

My day 5 update: 1 high quality blast (freezing today), 4 early blasts (hopefully can freeze tomorrow) and 2 cleavage stage embryos. I’m happy with this, as long as the early blasts behave themselves! I can feel my natural progesterone rising, so hopefully AF comes along soon and I can start the FET cycle! 😆