Can I vent here for a little??? --UPDATED -- my neighboor was caught opening my mail!!!!


Currently 7 days past FET transfer and on PIO so doesn't help that I'm already stressed out enough...but this isn't about that. So I sell wigs online and just ordered a really really fancy $300 piece to help me advertise my business on IG. Iv been ordering stuff online since the dawn of time so I've been through a lot. But this time I am so truly F-ing Pissed!!

My hair was shipped by DHL and on labor Day I get a text saying hey it's delivered. I live in the basement apartment and these other ladies live upstairs (I'm trying to be nice cos we have had beef with them before) So 15 mins later I decide to head out to grab it off the porch. And what? No package. So I think ok it's labor Day maybe they don't deliver? And the text was just a glitch? So I decided to just wait till Tuesday. Tuesday no package. So I call DHL around 11am and they say yeah it was delivered. And they say we will "investigate" and we will send the driver back to show you where he put your package. On Wednesday, nobody shows up. So I call again and they say ok we will call you tomorrow (meaning Thursday). I call them again on Thursday and am promised a call back by 4pm. No call back comes.

Now I'm annoyed. Today I call again and the lady I've been dealing with is all like we asked the driver and he confirmed he dropped it off at your address. So either it got stolen on Monday or your neighbors have it. And thats it.. no other help??!

I texted the sender who was pretty shocked at what happened. and said he will talk to DHL where he sent it and tell me what he finds out on Monday...Maybe it's me getting all riled up but I just feel so ANGRY about it. Now I have to ask the sender to send me a new wig. I'm telling my fiance who being a typical man is all well don't piss yourself off and stress out and mess up the

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. Which I feel doesn't exactly help. Cos A now I'm stressing about being stressed and B I feel I genuinely have a right to be annoyed by this BS. The idea someone just wandered up and stole my stuff makes me MAD!!!!! Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Anyways idk.i just needed to let this out somewhere. GRRRRRRRRR!!!!!

UPDATE: I caught my upstsirs neighboor red handed opening MY PACKAGE!!!

on monday i got a replacement of the package i lost (mentioned above) and i got a text alert that it was delivered and ran upstairs to the front porch to grab it...low and behold this b$$$$ is crouched down having cut open my fedex bag and had my hair extensipms on the floor next to her!!! And was examning the envelope!!!!! I waited patiently until she noticed i was standing behind her and she jumps up all apologetic bla bla bla bla i didnt know what to do with it... and in the middle of her blabbing says there was a another package and didnt know what to do with it (referring to the dhl package) im like where is it??? And she says i took it back to dhl. So im FUMING and take my now open mail and walk away. I call dhl and ask if it was returned and they tell me no. It was never logged in the system meaning SHE STILL has it!!! So i go back and say tell me which dhl branch u left it at. Now she goes i gave it back to the delivery man. Im like are u sure? Cos dhl has no record of this. And she says yes. What a LIE!!! DHL sent me proof of delivery and the drivers gps coordinates on the day he delivered and confirmed he left the package in the mailbox not with anyone!! So ive written to my land lord to arrange a meeting. Either she fesses up to throwing away my stuff without my consent or confirms dhl is lying. I am also if she did throw my things away i need her to pay me back my $300!!!! Why wouldnt she just ask me whos package it is? Why is she opening MY mail that is in no way addressed to her???? I feel like calling the police!!!