Baby measuring huge



I was just at 31 weeks and I’ve known this entire pregnancy my baby is HUGE. Much much bigger than my first.

We had an ultrasound confirm he’s measuring at 34 weeks and he’s in the 97th percentile for weight (4lb 12oz) We saw a fat roll (so cute) on the ultrasound.

I am on lovenox, a blood thinner. I am terrified of having to have an emergency c section (risk of bleeding) if I happen to go into birth spontaneously.

My dr will not change my due date. (Although when asked my LMP at first appointment I legit just threw out a date and guessed.) my first ultrasound (8 weeks) matched up with the date I had apparently.

My Dr said I am going to be scanned in another 3 weeks. she then said if he measures big still they will want to maybe schedule a c section. (If a c section is scheduled, and I MAKE IT until then without spontaneously going into birth, I will be off my shots and all will be fine.

Has anyone else’s baby been measuring big?

I’m excited he’s so healthy and big, but also terrified of going into labor without being induced or scheduled c section. (If I go spontaneously I also could not have an epidural, which happened with my son, who was 8 days early, also if I end up needing a c section there would be a huge risk for bleeding) I had the epidural AND pitocin with my son because contractions had not started yet. It was a traumatic birthing experience to say the very least. (I also went into it with a positive mind/wasn’t scared at all— and it didn’t help. Lol)
