Very high two hour reading - worried!

Sarah • Mrs. Rowe 💍 Dog Mom 🐾 Pregnant with baby #1 🤱🏼

I was diagnosed with GD at 23 weeks and have been controlling it primarily through my diet - I am 27, 5’3 and currently 143lbs at 27 weeks. Always been fairly healthy, never overweight.

I’ve obviously been more cautious with my food choices than ever before now. But today we had to travel and eat on the road. My blood sugar was 145 2 hours after eating dinner (which I still cautiously chose) and I am so upset! I’ve controlled my levels flawlessly with the exception of 133 after dinner at a wedding one night. Can an occasional high blood sugar like this harm my baby!?

I have my first follow up on Monday since being diagnosed, and I have no idea what to expect from my Dr.

I also have SUA, so I’m being extra cautious aside from the GD. My baby deserves the world, and my job is to do everything in my power to keep her healthy and safe! Any mamas who’ve had GD, or have it now, please send your advice my way!