Bittersweet love story

It started with a rough childhood, mom left when I was four (she did stay in contact but didn’t talk much) and my dad an alcoholic who uprooted me and my siblings from Wisconsin to Florida. We bounced around back and forth through foster care for a few years until finally me and brother got taken in from my grandma (dads mom) where we moved back to Wisconsin. In high school I had my “sweetheart” but after a year together I met one of his friends. We clicked immediately and had feelings for each other but never acted on it out of guilt. So instead we became best friends. Then when my senior year came around and I turned 18 I very stupidly dropped out of high school and moved back to fl and we lost contact. 9 YEARS later I was having a hard time, lost my job got kicked out and couldn’t find a place to live for me and my dog, we had been sleeping in my car. so I wanted to leave Florida and start somewhere new! I was thinking of high tailing it to Colorado where a friend lived. But a few days before I was supposed to leave my mom passed away of a bleeding ulcer that got infected, she went septic. which was hard because the year before we had spent two wonderful weeks together and finally built a relationship. It put me in such a dark place. I felt like I had nothing and no one. So I flew up to Wisconsin for the first time in 9 years for her celebration of life, where I very randomly received a message from Evan, my best friend from high school we hadn’t talked in the 9 years I was gone!! . We met for a drink and once again hit it off immediately. I told him about how I was moving to Colorado and he jokingly said you should move here. I brushed it off not thinking he was serious and flew home. We hadn’t stopped talking after we had seen each other. And I’m not going to lie, he got even more attractive since high school and was still just as sweet. So after non stop talking about it, I said fuck it! And he flew down the very next weekend I met him at the airport and we drove back up to Wisconsin together. Me him and my dog. And it has been like a dream. He is the man of my dreams. I can’t get over the coincidence of all of it! I was in such a dark place and felt like giving up. My mom passing is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to deal with but it brought me to him. ❤️