Autistic older brother


Now I'm getting paranoid about the baby being autistic too.

Can absolutely appreciate I'm an overly anxious person anyway and I have nothing to really worry about yet as hes just turned 10 months old but I'm starting so see some similarities in my 2 boys.

The baby loves anything that spins, spins the wheels of cars and watches the washing machine intently which our eldest love too.

He makes mama and dada noises which our eldest never did and he's already walking when our eldest wasn't even crawling at this age.

But then I worry that the baby doesn't point, copy or understand any language and has kinda started to learn to clap but only does it rarely, just like his brother. I think I'm expecting too much of a baby but it was at this age when I started noticing that our eldests development wasn't quite on track and I'm just a little concerned.