On The Hard Stuff.... cup of tea 🤣🤣

Layla • Mammy to Sophia, who was 2 in June 💕 had a mmc end of Nov 18 😢, Pregnant with 🌈 👶🏼 💙 .. 👨‍👩‍👧 + 🌈👶🏼💙 EDD 12/11/19 🤞🏼💕

At my besties wedding yesterday , nearly 31 weeks with my rainbow boy 💙, not quite the same when you can’t have a wee alco bevvy but still had a great day, that’s my lovely Hubby (horsing around)

and my gorgeous bestie in the pic! 💕💕💕

I was on the hard stuff... a nice hot cuppa tea 🤣🤣🤣