Getting married

So, my Fiancé and I just told my family about our engagement. The first thing my mother asks is “are you pregnant?” which offended me, but I blew it off because I’m not going to add stress to my life by getting mad at her. My grandmother is divorced and has been acting cold to me since I told her. I asked my mother about it and she thinks she could be jealous because my gram has been wanting to get married again. Says she “misses being married”.

When I told my mom about my grandmother being cold to me, my mom informed me that she doesn’t exactly approve of my fiancé and I getting married after only dating for 4 months. “It’s not like you’ve been dating for 6 months”. (Him and I have been very good friends for about five years... we didn’t just meet four months ago)

I’m not entirely sure how to handle the situation with my grandmother. And does anyone have any input on what my mother said? Six and four is only two months difference. My fiancé is a REALLY great guy, and we get along and communicate so well. He’s the only guy I want to marry, but my mother and grandmother are stressing me out and making me doubt myself.