Twins or no?


Okay so I’m 7w 3D. Today I had severe cramps that sent me to the ER they ended up doing an ultrasound. My husband and I noticed that every once in awhile when the ultrasound tech was moving along that there was one large black sac and then two large white dots (one on the upper left and one on the upper right side) like so (not my ultrasound picture but looks extremely close to what my husband and I were seeing)

Well the tech never investigated or even tried to look at the one on the upper right side. Only looked at and got the heart beat (by looking at the beats not by sound) of the one “dot” on the upper left. Could it be that their is twins? Twins run in both of our families.

Also other than telling us if it were twins or not they also failed to mention that I have a hemorrhage and that my uterus is heart shaped. So I feel like they could have easily left this information out. As soon as the ultrasound was done I was walking out the doors.

This is my ultrasound the tech did

She didn’t tell me anything but the heart rate