No bladder sensation

Chelsea • LRK 5.30.16💖 MGK 7.5.19💙

I had my son via C section 8 weeks ago and ever since I haven’t had any bladder sensation at all. Meaning that I can’t feel my bladder anymore. I could literally chug gallons of water and feel nothing all day. I’ve been making myself pee a few times a day but I still don’t ever feel like I have to pee. Of course going number two is different. I can tell when I have to go then but peeing, I can’t tell. I asked my OB about it twice and was seen 4 weeks ago and checked for a bladder infection but they said I’m fine it can happen with a C section because they had to move my bladder to get him out but she didn’t give me a time frame for how long this could last. It’s been two months now. Has anyone else experienced this? Just worried I could get a bladder infection or a UTI