
So my boyfriend and I have two kids... he isn’t happy with where we live and wants to move to Texas.. we live in North Dakota.. are plan is to move after our lease is up here in April.. I’m so nervous though.. I’m 22, he’s 26. We have family here and over there, but our parents are here close to us.. Texas is where we were born... well I was but he was raised there for awhile till he moved up north.. it makes me sad thinking about moving because both our parents are helpful and there when we need them... he wants to move to a city over there where his sister lives, I have no family there but I have family a town few hour away.. anyways, he’s excited he just wants to be on the beach and be happy with our kids... with good weather and have a better job...

but I recently just lost my grandmother and it breaks my heart... and it make me think of my kids.. like I never got to see my grandma as much as I wanted because she lived in Texas and I was raised up north.. so that’s how it’ll be if we move my parents and his will be miles away.. and won’t see them..

I have told him I’m nervous to move... like I don’t mind to move just make me sad my parents won’t be close to see my kids grow up and they love them...I don’t know .. I guess it’s apart of growing up.. and working on our family , I know if we didn’t like it we could always move back up here but I know he’ll be happy once we move. I’ really hate change, it’s hard for me because I suffer with depression and anxiety.. but I’m trying to work on it and think positive because some change sometimes is good and good things could come..