
So I got my first positive 8dpo and continued to get them on several different tests including digital since then which was Wednesday.

On 11dpo (last night) I got horrible cramps during my work shift. For ten minutes I wanted to curl into a ball like I was 18pmsing again. (I’ve only had my period back since going off birth control in March and it went right back to normal but not with intense cramps). I then woke up to pee at like 6am today (12dpo) then got strong cramps again and was dry heaving for maybe 1-2min but didn’t actually vomit. No bleeding associated with the cramping either time.

Did this happen to anyone else? I know cramping at implementation is normal but I think I’m past that? I thought you could only get a positive test if implementation has occurred which if that’s the case then it would’ve been day 8 last Wednesday. My next period is supposed to be Tuesday so I guess I’ll find out if it stuck or not then.

The app also says that I should get cramping for the next several days, my concern is that for a few minutes I’d say it was fairly intense.