Boyfriend angry about stupid stuff


This morning i got me and my little guy up for the day, and i left my boyfriend in the room sleeping with the door shut so he can sleep longer. I put the baby in the living room to play while i made a cup of coffee a few feet away. There is a baby gate that separates the living room and kitchen. After bringing my coffee to the living room, i picked up the baby cuz he was fussing and walked back into the kitchen. I grabbed him some cereal to eat, and walked back to the living room. When walking over the gate, i tripped hard, and broke the gate. Baby was fine, as i was holding him, and didn’t lose my hold. I took the hit, and baby gate is broken. My boyfriend got mad and called me stupid. He didn’t even ask if i was ok. If he wasn’t such a great guy most of the time, it wouldn’t come as such a shock when he is mean. Would u be angry at your partner for being like that?