Breastfeeding depression?


Hello! About two weeks ago I stopped breastfeeding. Little one has just turned one and had basically been fighting with my boob, trying to get it away. He took to the bottle straight away.

Only thing is, I feel shitty. I suddenly feel like I’ve lost the bond with my child? I love him so much but suddenly I’m desperate for a break, I am on edge all day and every cry seems to go right through me. My partner doesn’t understand whats changed, he thinks I’m being snappy (which I guess I am) but I really don’t mean to be.

When I put him down for bed now I sometimes sit next to his cot and cry, telling him how sorry I am for being a shitty mam. He deserves so much better.

I don’t know whether its because I’m going back to uni and he is going to nursery, or the stopping breastfeeding? I don’t know.

Is it a phase or do I need meds again? Am I a shitty mam, please be honest, I need to know so I can get back to normal.

A photo of my little man so this post doesn’t get lost 😭❤️