How many cycles did it take you?

Adry • 29 with PCOS, married, TTC for 2yrs 6 clomid cycles and 8 letrozole, chemical pregnancy loss September 2019 trying again with IVF first FET ended In miscarriage in September 2020 and now waiting to start FET 2 🌈👼🏻

I am 28 with PCOS and I have been TTC for 1.5 years. I did 6 rounds of clomid with no response and recently switched to letrozole (femara) and for the first time got a response and had one mature follicle at 18.5mm took a trigger shot and now I’m 14dpo and a BFN.

Should I do two more rounds of letrozole or should I just do <a href="">IVF</a>.

How long did it take you?