Boyfriend kissing me goodbye


So my boyfriend dropped all of our friends off so it was just me and him in the car. So he parked next to my car because I had to go soon. I leaned in for a kiss and it was so romantic. Every Time I kiss him I feel butterflies in my stomach and I get a happy warm feeling all around me. we start kissing and he pulls me closer and closer to him. 🤤 at this point I’m already wet and super horny. He grabs my ass and begins to give me kisses on my neck which are a turn on for me. So I start moaning and all of the sudden he puts his hands inside my shorts and starts fingering me. Holy shit. I could not stop moaning and it felt sooo good. We kept on kissing and then I grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer to me. Then I had to go because I was already hella late to my curfew. So I kissed him goodbye and he just gave me the biggest smile.