Negative people and attraction?

Lately I can’t help but feel I’m surrounded by negative people whether it’s at work and personally.

I work with this girl who is sort of a work bully if you have to call it that. She only targets me and will make me feel as I don’t do a good enough job at my role and I’ve been there a year longer than she has, she’s technically one of the new girls. Idk if it has something to do with her finding out that I make a little more money than her or if she just doesn’t like me. All I did was write something down in my notebook one day at work, and she looks over to me and asked me if I can do some work, and that we’re really busy in a stern superior tone with a fake smile. I was shocked, it was rude.

Now, my close friend just called me boyfriend fat. We’re close, but that’s just rude to say about someone. I posted a photo of my boyfriend on Instagram and she just DM’d me and says “omg he’s fat lol”, but the ironic thing is she’s not in shape herself to be calling someone that.

Why are girls catty and is it just me? Am I doing something to cause people to act like this? As far as I know, I just kind my own business at work and talk to people unless I need to.

As for my friend, idk what’s going on with her, but she’s constantly coming to me about guy problems and her insecurities. I don’t want to be rude, but at the same time, it’s so draining to be around that energy and deal with people who have such bad attitudes.

Why do I attract these kind of people into my life?