Azoospermia Next Steps

Ashleigh • Anniversary: 10/27/2009 We have been trying even though the odds are very much against us...

Hello! My husband before I met him had testicular cancer. It is one of the earliest cases in the U.S. and he only had to have one testes removed with no chemo or radiation. His urologist told him that he might have issues having children, but didn't say anything else. Fast forward nine years to last early November. We were going for <a href="">IVF</a>. Because the fertility clinic is 9 hours away we decided to take the risk and have me start the injections and the morning before my egg retrieval my husband had a PESA and a TESA. Both returned no sperm at all. The doctor told him the remaining testes is undescended and that he may have never produced sperm if the testes that was removed was also undescended. I then declined my egg retrieval and we left New York completely devastated. Since then we are not on the same page. He is 42 and I am turning 30. According to every test and transvaginal ultrasound I am the perfection of fertility. They told me that if I was with anyone who didn't have fertility problems I would be pregnant in less than 3 months. We agree that adoption is too expensive in the U.S. However, he wants to do a private embryo adoption while I want to use donor sperm. We will be financially ready again in 2021 so we have until then to get on the same page. Has anyone else had this problem? I feel like we are the only ones in this situation who don't agree on the same next step.