So FED UP!!! Disappointed in myself

In 2018 I got down to 200 pounds the smallest I have been in a while. Well here September 2019 I have gained almost 30 pounds in a year weighing 223. I am so disgusted with myself. I have been losing the same 5 pounds on and off for months..the lowest i can get to is like 215 then I get back up by eating badly and not caring anymore. I'm on so many medications such as Lamactil (sp?) birth control pills, Trazadone and i feel like they're interfering with my weight loss. My boobs are huge and sore and I feel bloated. I'm not pregnant that's just how I feel and I have no energy to really get this weight off. I know this seems like a boat load of excuses but I am almost to tears writing this..I have no idea what to do at this point. Weight loss seems so unattrainable.