2nd baby?? TTC kind of...?


So my husband and I have stopped preventing getting pregnant again. I never went back on birth control after we had our son bc we had a hard time getting pregnant then, I can only assume it'll be even harder now that we are 4 years older than we were the first time we got pregnant. We used condoms this whole time (yeah sucky I know haha but we were NOT ready for another baby yet because our sweet little guy is also extremely energetic and strong willed! 😂). Now here we are with an almost 3 year old and I finally feel ready for another. I almost feel like it's now or never. I just turned 34 and my husband is 38. I know we arent "old", but I don't want to wait too long bc our chances were slim the first time around and I know the clock is ticking. We have been "seeing what happens" for about 4 months now. Nothing yet, and trying not to worry about that. If we can't have another I am super thankful for being able to have the amazing child we have now. But I just want to give him someone to grow up with since he has and will have no cousins. Our family is small, and the siblings my husband and I have are all dead set on having no kids. I'm hoping we didn't wait too long. Anyone else in this situation?