Confused 🤔

Harlee • Mama to a beautiful baby girl 👧 1 angel baby 👼🏼 another on the way 🌈🤰

So. I found out I was pregnant a week ago today. Had a faint positive, but definitely visible. On Monday it was slightly darker, got a very visible line Monday night. Then Tuesday my line way waayy fainter, and on Wednesday practically non existent, so I went in and got my hcg blood checked. And on Friday they called me that my levels were at a zero. So I was expecting to start bleeding soon. Last time it happened it took a couple days to start bleeding, but ultimately I was bleeding even before my period was due. This time though, my period was due on Thursday. And just nothing. And I know it wasn’t just a false positive, because I am NEVER late on my period. So I’m wondering, how long should I wait before I should be concerned about the lack of bleeding?