
Autumn • 💓💓💙

Addison has started this thing where if I take something away or stop her from doing something she shouldn't she will hit me. She also screams at the top of her lungs when she doesn't get what she wants. Like right now as I type she dropped her fork for the 10th time in 3 minutes and I'm done picking it up, so she is screaming!!!

Is this just a phase? My oldest never did this. She never hit or screamed (at this age). Anyone elses July baby hitting? I don't pop her because that would just show her that it's okay to hit but I do tell her it's not nice and then she cries. I tell her it hurt mommy or who ever she hit and tell her she has to say sorry. She'll give you a hug or kiss and say awwww weeee. She's so cute I can't even get mad/upset lol! Any advice?

(Picture just to show off her Wonder Woman shirt! I love love love Wonder Woman)