What do you do when your with a 45 who acts like a 20 year old still???

Ladies I normally don't post any of my business on here but I been with my

boyfriend for almost 6 years. And our relationship isn't the worse but it does have it's ups and downs like most relationships. We have a son together who is 4 and a babygirl on the way. He started a new job a few months back and made some friends who are in there 20s. They like to drink, hang out etc. Last Saturday we got into an argument before he left to work his shift. He stood hanging with these guys until the next day wasting bill money. Smh. I'm 32 years old I'm a FT mother and FT Worker. I make sure everything is taking care of in the house from the cleaning to the cooking etc. He just works comes home eats does nothing. Barely lifts a dish, or cleans any room in the house hold. Then, has the nerve to say he works all day so he can go out and waste money. I don't go out with friends or family. I take care of most of the bills and make sure there is always food in the house. I'm just so feed up with his ways. And feeling like everything is on me. Taking care of our son and then my oldest plus pregnant it's very overwhelming and exhausting which I'm sure most of you ladies can relate. When is enough, really enough. I've threaten to kick him out, I packed his clothes once, he says he is gonna change but all these years and I dont see it. He never cheated on me or I never feel insecure but what about stability. If I can do it on my own why do I really need a man? Feed back would be great right about now.