Barriers to a plant-based diet and solutions for them?


So I'd like to have a respectful discussion about veganism. I recognize the dangers of red meat and how the animal industry not only is often cruel but also affects the environment. Right now, I am studying to be a Public Health Nurse. I am all for focusing on upstream factors in order to better the community.

So my question is, do you believe that everyone (ideally) should only have plant-based diets? And if so, how will it be attained?

Many will disagree with me on this, but the idea of everyone eating plant-based diets is much more complex than people make it out to be.

1a. There are many communitities in the world who do not have access to protein-alternatives, both in the developed and developing countries. Even in the "wealthy" US there are many communities that live in food deserts. These are often communities where people of color live and are often low-income as well. In the community that I live in, the city wants to get rid of the only grocery store and replace it with a hotel (thus, making it into a food desert as well).

The idea of "if everyone boycotts meat, the industry will have to listen" makes sense, but only works if a large enough group boycotts. That's something that takes time. What is being provided/supplemented to individuals or families who want to support the boycotting of meat, but doesn't have the resources to do so? (e.g money for plant-based diets or grocery stores) And if there's no support for them, should they really be blamed/demonized?

1b. Outside of the US, there are people who still have their own native language, live in trees, and are isolated from the rest of the world. How do we address these communities?

2. Food is very intergrated with culture and religion. To say that everyone should be on a plant-based diet, how will we address the issue of cultural cleansing?

3. The food chain exists for a reason. When animals on top of the food chain become overpopulated, everything beneath it suffers. For example, from where I live, deers can overpopulate quickly. If there's too many, they eat all the vegetation (and also cause a lot of car accidents!). The same can be seen with white bass. What is the alternative for these situations?

My stance right now is that I want to focus on lowering meat consumption as much as possible, supporting local farmers, and targeting and upholding corporations to be socially responsible. If there is a solution (or multiple solutions for different types of communities) that makes sense and involves no one eating meat, I would be all for it! I just haven't heard of one yet. I'd like to know what people's thoughts are when addressing these barriers of veganism.