abilify questions

Anybody in this group taking it. My doctor started me out on 5 mg the very 1st day I took it I was sick as a dog I had to leave my job I actually lost my job that day (the irony) Go figure. I ended up googling The common side effects of it and come to find out vomiting is very common and actually last a while in some patients. My life is way too complicated and busy to be sick that way... like I am so scared to ever take that pill again even a lower dose it was that badd . I was stuck at my job in the bathroom for 45 minutes I'm not a dramatic person and I wanted to come out of this stall and ask someone to call 911... I didn't I got through it it took me 45 minutes to collect myself bring myself back into my job and leave ... I got home I slept for 6 hours and woke up feeling like I was dying ...I have 3 children 5 and under and I have no one to watch them for 2 weeks to a month while I go through the initial symptoms of this medicine I do wanna get better desperately but there's no way... I guess when I have my next bout of severe depression it will most likely change my mind but that's not gonna helpt me to function for the month after.