I want my ex back


It was somewhat of a toxic relationship, but only because of how depressed i was. We ended up pulling weapons on eachother n were both scarred from that.

4 months before that happened, we broke up. Yet we were still saying we loved eachother, having sex etc etc. even he said it was like we were still together.

But a while ago, i had found out he started flirting with a girl i was really really insecure over. So far hes bit her neck, left her a small hickey and kissed her in a matter of a month. Yet he is STILL continuing to have sex with me, (even tho i might flirt when hes around or show off my hormones, hes always the one that turns things up) i tell him every day that he is beautiful, and cute, and that i love him. And hes only doing this with that girl because she has bigger breasts and a bigger (not better but bigger) ass then i do. I want to tell her shes being played, but if i did, he would leave me for good.

I have had to abort 2 babies, and ive had 2 miscarriages from mistakes with the condom slipping or birth controls messed up.

I really need, and want, him back in my life. We are still so sexual with each other, and we were in a relationship for over a year. I dont want to take the no contact period, but id still like to know your thoughts and especially your advice on this. I miss him, so so much. I love him.

Please comment your questions/thought/advice down below, anything would help. Please, help a woman out 💕💖💕💖💕