Supply Question!


My son is 6 months old and breastfed. I work Monday Wednesday Friday and he takes bottles from day care on the days I’m not with him. I’m going to be starting a new job and I’m stressed about the pumping situation! I know legally they have to provide me the time and space to pump but I don’t want to start off by asking for special treatment. I’m thinking I could just pump at lunch time. My question is will my supply get confused if I breastfeed on the days I’m with him and only pump once on the days I’m not? Essentially the schedule on Monday Wednesday and Friday would be breastfeed him at 6 am, pump at noon, breastfeed him at 5 pm and obviously he will take bottles at daycare. Also we will be starting baby led weaning around the same time so maybe he won’t need as much breast milk? Opinions appreciated!