Beginning to love myself


{Warning: LOOOOONG post ahead so if you like reading or are also procrastinating about doing stuff, continue}

I have recently started working out and being more careful with the food I eat. I've been feeling more and more confident about my body as the weeks go on, and I love that, it's honestly the most motivating part of my 'new life'.

A bit of backstory cuz why not: I was bullied for 5 years for being on the chubby side and for being bad at sport. This obviously made me hate both my body and sport, along with basically all physical activity because those were the things that I felt caused the bullying. I moved countries and I wasn't bullied aaaaaas badly, I was still bullied at my new school but this time for being a nerd rather than being chubby and unsporty.

Moving right along I get to intermediate and discover that I am chubby. My thighs and butt jiggled when I ran (completely normal I know) which made me really self-conscious (this wasn't helped by a really annoying, rude and innapropriate boy who would slap us girls' butts - don't worry when he slapped my butt I trapped him in a corner with a door until he apologised and said he wouldn't do it to anyone again), and I didn't have enough confidence to wear so many of the clothes I liked.

Faaast forwarding to high school, I began experimenting with exercise. I did a 100 squat challenge because of curiosity and discovered that I have quads {wow amiright lads}. That was motivational and I started these little phases of being 'fit' where I would do some badly structured workout of 50 crunches and 50 sit ups and 50 squats after school but would give up after like 3 days.

I then discovered the slim thick ideal body thingymabob and fit in with that beauty standard far more than the previous ideal skinny body.

To the present!

I'm working out every single day now, (I'll do another post with my current everyday workouts plus some ones I do occasionally) and try to stay under my daily calorie budget of 1058.

I'm seeing slow but steady results and I'm becoming healthier, more confident, stronger and fitter.

I'm finally becoming happy with myself and I'm excited for this journey to getting the body I want.

I hope this inspires some of you to reach your fitness goals because it is so worth it, endorphins are very addictive and make you really happy or at least neutral feeling after a bad day.

Remember that every day is an opportunity to become a happier individual and that your body is so incredibly strong and capable of achieving great things when you set your mind to it and are kind to yourself and everyone around you.
