I have a problem


I'm so obsessed over this baby thing. I read all the good and the bad posts on here. I research what I see on the internet. We've been trying to conceive our 3rd for 3 years. With me nearing 30 and my husband already 30, I'm really trying to get pregnant. We start clomid this month whenever AF shows up. Right now in 3 DPO. There's no reason to test but I've been carrying a pregnancy test in my purse like a nut job and counting down the says before I can test. At this point I'm annoying myself but my husband has been so supportive. We talk about everything the baby could and will be. Speaking it into existence I suppose. Everyone says oh just stop trying and it will happen. We've tried that. It took 2 years of testing with my obgyn before they finally agreed to prescribe clomid. The blood work, the pap smears, the ultrasounds.. all of it came back totally normal but I also bled for an entire month of July, stopped two weeks and started again aug 19 and bled for 7 more days. So who knows if I really even ovulated this month. I'm still going to test because ya know, as I mentioned, I have a problem. At this point I've started praying harder than ever before. Not just for a baby but for patience and understanding because I'm losing my mind. If there was ever a time I wish I could see into the future it would be now. I can only hope that this is not all for nothing.